What's with the sudden craze for bright hankies in the top pocket? I can remember hearing that such a thing (as well as pens) detracted from what the speaker was saying.
Since all the gibbering body do it, the lemmings are following the fad.
can anyone identify this ring?
(ideally, a link to a page on the internet with photo and description).
What's with the sudden craze for bright hankies in the top pocket? I can remember hearing that such a thing (as well as pens) detracted from what the speaker was saying.
Since all the gibbering body do it, the lemmings are following the fad.
as the leaked financial meetings show, watchtower (by it's own admission) has to liquidate 3000+ properties quickly.
how do they choose?
Thanks Fay Dehr.
If a woman in a war zone is attractive/beautiful in appearance, then she is in serious trouble when "needy" combatants take notice of her.
Warning to JW's: Your KH's are now in a financial war zone.
If the KH where you worship is far more desirable (in $ value) than the other KH's in your area, bet on it that your KH is the one which will be sold off - soooooooooooooooon! (TM)
my husband is dfed but he is a prime example of someone who was a puppet for the watchtower.
i was able to wake him a little with the sex abuse scandal.
he was an elder and is very familiar with those rules.
Carefully select one of these 14 questions and ask him how he would answer - using his Bible, not the literature.
on thing that really makes me angry and disgusted is when i think of the way in the past that the elders pressured me over and over again to have a meeting with them over a petty make out and petting incident.
they asked such instrusive, personal questions like, “did he touch your breast, for how long?
under or over your clothes?” i know that this happens to thousands of people, especially young women, and it’s just not right, it makes me so angry that i almost feel tempted to confront the elder who especially did this, when i see him at the convention in a few weeks and tell him what a sick person he is and how much trauma he caused me, manipulating me and pressuring me to answer such instrusive questions while he sat there and took notes!!
Addison0998 - I'm sorry you've gone through the cult's star-chamber system, but hopefully you'll benefit from having shared it here.
You said, "It pisses me off so much how much power and influence they have over people."
Sorry to correct you, but you should have said, "It pisses me off so much how much power and influence people allow them to have over them."
When JW's waken up to the facts that -
a) they are not scripturally commanded to confess serious sins to any elders, and
b) that they are not scripturally commanded to discuss/reveal their private & personal issues with elders - that's when the elders lose their self-claimed & fictitious power over the congregations.
Create your own elder-firewall - "It's not something which I can/want to discuss at the moment, but if things change, I appreciate the fact that I can call on you for your help. Thank you, and goodbye, scumbag!"
Politely, but firmly, shut them out of your personal business - and your life!
are "inactive" publishers being asked to sign it, or is it only for "active" ones?.
i haven't been troubled by any of the local jw stasi about it.
I haven't been to a "cover" meeting in months! I'd better show face soon. Maybe then they'll ask me to sign. :)
are "inactive" publishers being asked to sign it, or is it only for "active" ones?.
i haven't been troubled by any of the local jw stasi about it.
Are "inactive" publishers being asked to sign it, or is it only for "active" ones?
I haven't been troubled by any of the local JW Stasi about it.
we all know what a mess the jw "generation" teachings have been.
but, there is one hard and fast truth concerning jws and "generations" - that is, that many generations of jws have died without the realization of the hope they were promised.. there were many before my grandfather's time, but i'm going to start with his.
his generation, his peers, lived at a time when jwdom was exciting, bold, confident, seemingly deeper and scholarly, seemingly genuinely concerned about the preaching work and saving lives.
The very first talk at the convention this year is now telling the present generation of JW's to expect the end soon.
JW's clearly believe that "soon" is a bungee word - it can be stretched to be as long as necessary.
the congregation shuffle rolls on in bristol england, and a cool £1million is to be made for watchtower britain.. bristol - hengrove has been disbanded as of may 2018 and is now merged into one of the prime real estate parts of the city in an area called clifton, with bristol-redland congregation of jw's.
the hall is an old victorian building, bought and paid for by redland since the late 1940's, although since then, bristol has seen expansion up until the 1990's to about 12 plus congregations in about 7 kingdom halls, and then reduced to 5 kingdom halls and 10 congregations.
redland has always stood alone with one congregation in it's hall.
I haven't a clue - and don't call me Shirley!
just the above...... in recent times the full sessions have found their way onto youtube.
i have not found it this time.
it has been geatly appreciated.
Wow! Very first speaker introduces brief video of Samuel Herd, (GB) who proceeds to warn JW's that they need to have courage -
a) "as world's conditions worsen"
b) "soon, the world will experience the foretold great tribulation"
c) and that the convention "helps you to be prepared for what lies just ahead."
At the end of the GB video, the speaker adds to the fearmongering by saying, "Let me ask you first to get us started; Do you consider yourself a courageous individual? Do you feel that you have the.....strength in the face of....danger."
Put terror into all of the JW's minds and the minds of their children - right from the word 'Go.'
Enjoy the 3 days of your fear-inspiring conventions JW's, and arrive home spiritually refreshed as you await the appearance of the possible horrors predicted by the "faltering slave."
the congregation shuffle rolls on in bristol england, and a cool £1million is to be made for watchtower britain.. bristol - hengrove has been disbanded as of may 2018 and is now merged into one of the prime real estate parts of the city in an area called clifton, with bristol-redland congregation of jw's.
the hall is an old victorian building, bought and paid for by redland since the late 1940's, although since then, bristol has seen expansion up until the 1990's to about 12 plus congregations in about 7 kingdom halls, and then reduced to 5 kingdom halls and 10 congregations.
redland has always stood alone with one congregation in it's hall.
The congregation shuffle rolls on in Bristol England, and a cool £1million is to be made for Watchtower Britain.
Bristol - Hengrove has been disbanded as of May 2018 and is now merged into one of the prime real estate parts of the city in an area called Clifton, with Bristol-Redland congregation of JW's.
The hall is an old Victorian building, bought and paid for by Redland since the late 1940's, although since then, Bristol has seen expansion up until the 1990's to about 12 plus congregations in about 7 Kingdom Halls, and then reduced to 5 Kingdom Halls and 10 congregations. Redland has always stood alone with one congregation in it's hall.
As of September 2018 the Redland congregation is being kicked out of its £1,000,000 value building and moved lock stock and barrel to a rough northern suburb called Southmead and being forced to share with two other congregations in a nondescript 1970's brick built kingdom hall worth about £250,000.
To facilitate this, the Almondsbury congregation is being booted out of the Southmead building and moved out of the circuit into the next one and the inmates will have to drive north to share with Thornbury (who will now have to share for the first time)
There are other shuffles going on, but the net result is that WT gets the proceeds of £1 million (estimate) when Redland's hall is sold.